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David Miller



Mathematics 408G Armstrong Hall Personal Website: Miller, David

I am a Professor of Mathematics at West Virginia University and currently the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies in the School of Mathematical and Data Sciences. My area of research is in Undergraduate Mathematics Education and I study students' understanding of mathematical proofs, Professors' assessment of mathematical proofs, Professors' feedback on students' proof productions, and students utilization and understanding of Professors' feedback on their proof productions.


PhD, Mathematics, Oklahoma State University
MS, Applied Mathematics, Oklahoma State University
BA, Mathematics and Engineering Physics, Missouri State University

My research interests are in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, specifically related to:

  • Mathematicians' proof feedback
  • Students utilization and understanding of proof feedback
  • Students understanding of mathematical proofs
  • Calculus
  • Equity in Mathematics
  • Mathematical Expository Research

Courses offered at WVU:

  • Math 124 Applied College Algebra
  • Math 126 College Algebra
  • Math 128 Plane Trigonometry
  • Math 129 Pre-Calculus
  • Math 150 Business Calculus
  • Math 155 Calculus I
  • Math 156 Calculus II
  • Math 251 Multivariable Calculus 
  • Math 261 Introduction to Differential Equations 
  • Math 283 Introduction to the Concepts of Mathematics
  • Math 303 Introduction to the Concepts of Mathematics
  • Math 341 Algebraic Structures
  • Math 343 Linear Algebra 
  • Math 375 Applied Modern Algebra
  • Math 381 Introduction to Analysis and Topology
  • Math 442 Advanced Algebraic Structures
  • Math 456 Complex Variables
  • Math 490 Teaching Practicum
  • Math 495 Independent Study: Capstone Project
  • Math 568 Advanced Calculus
  • Math 733 RUME 2: Learning Theories
  • Math 734 RUME 4
  • Math 795 Independent Research: Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
  • Math 797 Research

Recent Publications:

Deshler, J., Fuller, E., & McEldowney, T., Miller, D., Pascal, M., Stewart, J. (accepted). Case Study of an Emerging Scholars Program at a Predominately White Institution: Analyzing the Success of Underrepresented Students in an Inquiry-Based Calculus Sequence. Justice Through the Lens of Calculus, 215.

Miller, D. A., & Schraeder, M. (2022). Using worked examples with active learning in a large lecture college algebra course. International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science, and Technology (IJEMST), 10(1), 1-23.

Davies, B., Miller, D., Infante, N. (in press). The role of authorial context in mathematicians’ evaluations of proof. International Journal for Mathematics Education in Science and Technology. 

Miller D, Deshler J, McEldowney T, Stewart J, Fuller E, Pascal M and Michaluk L (2021) Supporting Student Success and Persistence in STEM With Active Learning Approaches in Emerging Scholars Classrooms. Front. Educ. 6:667918. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2021.667918.

Schraeder, N. W., Miller, D. A. (2020). A Tale of Two Sides: Students’ Feedback Preference and Professors’ Feedback Provision. In Karunakaran, S. S., Reed, Z., & Higgins, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Boston, MA, v.1, 520-528.

Miller, D. & CadwalladerOlsker, T. (2020) Investigating undergraduate students’ view of and consistency in choosing empirical and deductive arguments, Research in Mathematics Education, 22(3), 249-264. DOI: 10.1080/14794802.2019.1677489.

Schraeder, N., Miller, D. (2019). Students’ View and Utilization of Professors’ Feedback when Revising their Proof. In Otten, S., Candela, A. G., de Araujo, Z., Haines, C., & Munter, C. (Eds.). Proceedings of the forty-first annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. St Louis, MO: University of Missouri, v.1,905-909. 

Spiro, B., Hanusch, S., Miller, D., Moore, R.C., Fukawa-Connelly, T. (2019). Categorizing Professors’ Feedback on Student Proofs in Abstract Algebra and Real Analysis. In (Eds.) Weinberg, A., Moore-Russo, D., Soto, H., & Wawro, M. (Eds.). (2019). Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, v.1, 568-575.

Miller, D., Infante, N. & Weber, K. (2018) How Mathematicians Assign Points to Student Proofs. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 49, 24-34. DOI:

Ciesielski, K. C., & Miller, D. (2017). On a Genocchi–Peano ExampleThe College Mathematics Journal48(3), 205-213.

Deshler, J. M., Miller, D., & Pascal, M. (2016). An active classroom: The emerging scholars program at West Virginia University. PRIMUS, 26(9), 811-823.

Ciesielski, K. C., & Miller, D. (2016). A continuous tale on continuous and separately continuous functions. Real Analysis Exchange, 41(1), 19-54.

Miller, D., Deshler, J. M., & Hansen, R. (2016). Bunny hops: using multiplicities of zeroes in calculus for graphingInternational Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology47(5), 803-813.