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Jessica Deshler

Director and Professor, School of Mathematical and Data Sciences

Jessica Deshler grew up in New Mexico and had some amazing opportunities in middle and high school to pursue creative mathematics. She went on to earn degrees in mathematics, first studying applied mathematics and later combining her passions for mathematics and teaching to study undergraduate mathematics education. Her work has been supported by grants from the Mathematical Association of America, the National Science Foundation and the West Virginia Department of Education. She was a U.S. Fulbright Scholar in Budapest, Hungary in 2016. She is an active member of the Mathematical Association of America (MAA), serving 6 years on their Committee on Professional Development​, 2 years as an Associate Editor for MAA Focus newsmagazine, and was a contributing author for the MAA Instructional Practices guide. She is also a proud member of SACNAS ( and graduate of the Linton-Poodry SACNAS Leadership Institute.

At WVU, she has been a faculty associate for the Center for Women’s & Gender Studies and the Teaching & Learning Commons, a Provost’s Fellow in the Office of Graduate Education in 2016-2017 and served 3 years on the Council for Women’s Concerns. Her commitment to the state is seen in her work with in-service elementary and secondary teachers through funded projects and in her leadership as the Dean of Students for the West Virginia Governor’s STEM Institute, a summer residential program for rising 8th graders from all parts of the state (2018-2022). She is currently Professor of Mathematics, and Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies in the Eberly College of Arts and Sciences.


Ph.D., Mathematics, University of New Mexico
M.S., Mathematics, University of New Mexico
B.S., Mathematics, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

My research is in undergraduate mathematics education, with specific interest in:
  • Graduate Student Professional Development.
    There exists a large body of literature on the professional development of K12 mathematics teachers, but the research base on college mathematics instructors is much smaller. However, in recent years, the importance of professional development for mathematics graduate teaching assistants has gained attention and the need for more basic research in this field has been recognized. Curriculum developers and practitioners have a need for research findings that will inform the development and implementation of sound professional development to best prepare the next generation of mathematics faculty members.

  • Equity in mathematics.
    My work in this area has been focused on supporting women in mathematics (in classes and the profession) and supporting underrepresented and first-generation students in our Emerging Scholars Program.

  • Supporting students and academics.
    I have worked on several collaborative projects that have looked closely at undergraduate students in developmental mathematics and calculus courses at our institution. Through this work we have collected information about students’ affective states, self-efficacy, belonging and success. I’ve also investigated the implementation of a peer-mentoring program for undergraduate students in developmental mathematics, collaborative scholars and curricular changes, and undergraduate teaching assistants.

Courses offered at WVU:

  • Math 155 Calculus I
  • Math 156 Calculus II
  • Math 218 History of Math
  • Math 251 Multivariable Calculus
  • Math 261 Introduction to Differential Equations
  • Math 293 College Algebra for Teachers
  • Math 343 Linear Algebra
  • Math 490 Teaching Practicum for Undergraduate Teaching Assistants
  • Math 590 Teaching Practicum for Graduate Teaching Assistants
  • Math 593 Discrete Mathematics for Teachers
  • Math 693 Geometry & Measurement for Teachers
  • Math 693 Advanced Topics: Introduction to Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education
  • Math 693 Advanced Topics: Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education II

Noted Publications:

Yee, S., Deshler, J., Rogers, K., Petrulis, R., Potvin, C., & Sweeney, J. (2021) Bridging the gap between observation protocols and formative feedback, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, pp. 1-29

Deshler, J., Fuller, E., & Darrah, M., (2019). Supporting students through peer mentoring in developmental mathematics, The Learning Assistance Review, 24 (1)